HappySeniorHomeOwners Blog

Doing Business in China!

April 23rd, 2012 5:12 PM by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly

Talk about doing business in China!
Just a few days ago I visited the Great Wall just outside Beijing . This had been one of my dreams for many years. Now at 71 I finally had the opportunity and took it.

Upon arriving at the Base entrance to the Wall, I observed an elderly American couple and their family. The gentleman was in a wheelchair and had a cane. I thought how brave and figured it was better to see it from the base than not at all.

Great Wall access 1st Rest

Since there are close to 300 or more very steep steps to reach the Wall from that point, I inmediately knew that I was NOT going to make it to the top. Period. No way!  Being there would have to suffice for me.

Well up I went, by the 2nd rest about 60-70 steps up, that was it for me. I had to sit, catch my breath, rest and grab the stunning views. Suddenly the elderly gentleman came and sat by me. Here was 84 years old Floyd from Florida who had climbed the same number of steps, cane and all. Talk about pleasant surprise and embarrasement! He had made it as far as I did (his wife did not try). I applauded him and we sat and talked for a while. I even gave him my business card and talked about Reverse Mortgages for a while.  Maybe I could deduct my trip expenses from my taxes!

Great Wall Rest 2

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Posted in:General
Posted by Juan Luis Rodriguez-Kohly on April 23rd, 2012 5:12 PM


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